Passamaquoddy Lodge
The New Lodge
The New Passamaquoddy Lodge, will be fashioned after the “household model”. This model, much as the name implies, brings with it both design and operational elements that focus on person-centered care. The household model aims to replace the institutional setting often associated with long-term care, with something much more inviting; a home-like environment.
Long-Term Care Services refer to a range of personal support, physical, social and mental health services required by individuals who, because of long term functional limitations, need assistance to function as independently as possible.

The Household Model

Single Occupancy Rooms
All the residential rooms at the New Passamaquoddy Lodge will offer single occupancy, each with full individual bathrooms.
12 Rooms in each of 5 homes
Kitchen, Dining and Living Rooms
Share Meals with Visitors and Staff

Socially Rich Living
Visiting from one home to another is encouraged and made convenient by a spacious corridor that link all the homes and buildings of the complex.
Share Meals with Visitors and Staff
Activity Rooms
Gatherings and Special Occasions

Long-term Care
We provide a range of personal support, physical, social and mental health services required by individuals.
Customized Care
Support for Independence
Living with Dignity
Passamoquoddy Children’s Centre
Daycare and Early Learning
The Passamaquoddy Children’s Centre, Inc., at the New Passamaquoddy Lodge, will continue to combine both daycare and early learning services. It will offer a safe and secure environment for personal and academic development to the children of Saint Andrews and area. Furthermore, having the child care centre located within the new lodge complex will provide daily interaction between our children and our seniors.
Inter-generational programs intentionally unite the generations in ways that enrich participants’ lives and help address vital social and community issues while building on the positive resources that young and old have to offer each other and to their communities. These programs bring people of different generations together for ongoing, mutually beneficial, planned activities, designed to achieve specified program goals and promote greater understanding and respect between generations. Reciprocity, sustainability, intentionality, training, support, and viewing younger and older people as assets are hallmarks of successful programs.

Let’s Build Together!
Our planning so far has been made possible through donations from foundations and community organizations. We will be seeking additional donations and multi-year pledges to move to the final design and construction phases. Stay tuned for details of our campaign to involve everyone in the community.